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Below Knee Prosthetics

Personalized prosthetic feet for below-knee amputees

Move Forward with advanced technology and below knee prosthetic experts who care about your needs.

The variety of prosthetic options for below knee amputees has exploded in recent history. With motor powered foot prosthetics, shock absorbing feet, and auto-adjusting feet all now available, a skilled prosthetist is more important than ever to determine the best prosthetic foot for your needs. Socket designs, foot designs, and gel and silicone skin interfaces have all advanced dramatically. Unfortunately, too many amputees still find that personalized care, skilled socket design, and technological knowledge are too difficult to find. That’s where we come in.

How do you increase activity without increasing aches and pains? The simple answer lies in a prosthetic foot and socket that allows you to use both sides the same.

At MCOP, we focus on symmetry and getting you to trust and use your prosthesis as an extension of yourself, just like your other limb. This notion may all seem strange at first, but over time you will find that with our help you will begin to stop treating your prosthesis as a device and begin considering it as an extension of yourself, as a new leg.

There are countless prosthetic foot types, and we focus on understanding your needs and goals, and using our unique clinical experience to choose the system that is most appropriate for you. Where some clinic only use a few feet because they are comfortable with them, we use every prosthetic foot on the market that we deem to provide clinical value for our customers. Our team is regularly trained by the leading manufacturers, and often has access to new prosthetic feet before other facilities because of our unique research relationships with leading prosthetic manufacturers.

In the end, the socket, the prosthetic foot, the alignment, and the gait training are all essential factors to achieve maximum function and mobility.

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