Veteran amputees that have received care from MCOP in the past at Walter Reed Military Hospital or the Veteran Administration can access your preferred clinician through one of MCOP's clinics. Click here to learn how to access your benefits and plan your visit. Learn More

Ottobock – Genium Knee

An Innovative bionic prosthetic knee

Ottobock Genium Knee

This innovative bionic knee features a state of the art microprocessor-controlled knee joint utilizes a complex sensory system and sophisticated rule sets to mimic natural gait more closely than any other prosthetic knee. The unique Genium technology by Otto Bock is not a next-generation C-Leg, but is a sophisticated new technology platform built to gather exponentially greater microprocessor inputs that result in very precise responses. It offers some never before seen special features to help users step over obstacles and ascend stairs.

Wearers of the Genium are often able to ascend stairs step over step, and cross obstacles more smoothly. For the wearer, motion becomes intuitive. Barriers and obstacles become an unconscious part of life instead of an interruption. The Genium makes it all easier without risking stability. 

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