The 2022 Amputee Awareness 5K Walk, Wheel or Run is Taking Place on April 24th!
By MCOP Team
March 15, 2022
in the news We’re excited to announce our sponsorship of Adventist HealthCare Rehabilitation‘s Annual Amputee Awareness 5K Walk, Wheel or Run. This year’s 5K will be taking place at 2 pm on Sunday, April 24th at Berman Hebrew Academy in Rockville, Maryland!

As a company, the entire MCOP team has been honored to not only sponsor but participate in the 5K multiple times in the past. If you’re unfamiliar with the event, here’s a little background:
- Adventist HealthCare Rehabilitation’s Annual Amputee Awareness 5K Walk, Wheel, or Run was started in 2015.
- The goal of the event is to acknowledge the many challenges that amputees face, while also providing financial assistance to those who don’t have the means to pay for medical necessities.
- The event is held every April to coincide with Amputee Awareness month – an event that’s celebrated around the globe as a time to recognize those living with limb loss and similar challenges.
- By participating in this event, we hope to show amputees, their friends, and their families what kinds of resources are available to them – and where they can go to gain access those resources!
- Registration is free for all participants – but all attendees will be given the opportunity to fundraise!
For more info on this year’s event, check out the 5K Amputee Awareness Walk, Wheel or Run info and registration page!