Veteran amputees that have received care from MCOP in the past at Walter Reed Military Hospital or the Veteran Administration can access your preferred clinician through one of MCOP's clinics. Click here to learn how to access your benefits and plan your visit. Learn More


Insights from our prosthetists about new technology, advances in prosthetics, & more

MCOP Featured in National O&P Publication

January 9, 2013

Recently, MCOP prosthetist Mike Corcoran was featured in the O&P Almanac, a national publication of AOPA, in an article titled Striding Past “Status Quo”.  The article featured Mike’s expert opinion on the use of powered prosthetics in helping all amputees break through barriers and accomplish their goals. Mike is featured working with the Ossur Power Knee, a product which MCOP played a large role in developing. Click here to read the article.

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