Veteran amputees that have received care from MCOP in the past at Walter Reed Military Hospital or the Veteran Administration can access your preferred clinician through one of MCOP's clinics. Click here to learn how to access your benefits and plan your visit. Learn More


Insights from our prosthetists about new technology, advances in prosthetics, & more

Traveling With Your Prosthetic

December 12, 2013 Category: Tips for Amputees

Going through airport security is unquestionably everyone’s least favorite part of travelling. For amputees travelling with a prosthetic, the thought of ion scanners, intrusive agents, and more make passing through …

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Open Enrollment 2014

December 6, 2013 Category: Prosthetic Insurance

A message from MCOP regarding open enrollment for 2014. MCOP accepts all patients regardless of their insurance carrier. That said, to get the most from your insurance you will benefit …

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