Veteran amputees that have received care from MCOP in the past at Walter Reed Military Hospital or the Veteran Administration can access your preferred clinician through one of MCOP's clinics. Click here to learn how to access your benefits and plan your visit. Learn More


Insights from our prosthetists about new technology, advances in prosthetics, & more

6 Amputee Travel Tips You Should Know

December 20, 2021 Category: Tips for Amputees

Are You Planning on Traveling With a Prosthetic Device? Planning to see your loved ones over the holidays – or any other time, for that matter – can be quite …

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At-Home Tips for Amputees During COVID-19

March 31, 2020 Category: Tips for Amputees, Company News, Amputee Support

We’re still here to help you #MoveForward. As many of our clients are already aware, the COVID-19 virus has greatly impacted the way companies have been able to interact with …

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Could Your Personal Mobility Benefit from an Ottobock C-Brace?

March 27, 2020 Category: Technology, Tips for Amputees

When it comes to the latest orthotic technologies, MCOP Orthotists are always keeping an eye out for new product developments and other breakthroughs. With newer and more dynamic lower-limb orthotics …

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Upper Extremity Amputee Exercises

September 4, 2019 Category: Tips for Amputees, Arm Prosthetics, Amputee Support

Upper Extremity Amputation Exercises: A Helpful Guide for Active Amputees One of the most effective ways to recover from an upper-extremity amputation is to find a challenging, yet realistic fitness …

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Lower-Extremity Recovery: Exercises for Below-Knee Amputees

August 13, 2019 Category: Tips for Amputees, Amputee Support

Whether you’re preparing for or recovering from a below-knee amputation, there are a number of amputee fitness routines out there to help you rebuild your strength, regain your balance, and …

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Lower-Extremity Recovery: Above-Knee Amputation Exercises

August 12, 2019 Category: Tips for Amputees, Amputee Support

A Guide to Hip Disarticulation, Hemipelvectomy & Above-Knee Amputation Exercises If you’re preparing to receive, or have already received, any sort of amputation above the knee, including a hip disarticulation …

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