Veteran amputees that have received care from MCOP in the past at Walter Reed Military Hospital or the Veteran Administration can access your preferred clinician through one of MCOP's clinics. Click here to learn how to access your benefits and plan your visit. Learn More


Insights from our prosthetists about new technology, advances in prosthetics, & more

Alberto’s Triumph: A Journey of Resilience and Prosthetic Empowerment

May 22, 2023 Category: Company News, Hand Prosthetics

We’re excited to share an inspiring story about our friend Alberto, who faced adversity head-on and triumphed over life-altering challenges. Last year, a workplace accident resulted in the loss of …

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Meet Alhassan

December 23, 2022 Category: Company News, Arm Prosthetics

  Alhassan came to MCOP from Ghana, Africa to have custom upper extremity prosthetics devices made. Alhassan lost the use of his arms 5 years ago as a result of …

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More Ukraine Soldiers come to MCOP for treatment

Category: Company News

  MCOP is once again proud to announce “Operation Renew Prosthetics” providing care to the most injured Ukrainian amputees. Our team is excited to start working with the next three …

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Ukrainian Soldier gets a prosthesis donated by MCOP

November 18, 2022 Category: Company News

MCOP is happy to announce “Operation Renew Prosthetics” providing care to the most injured Ukrainian amputees. Our first hero has arrived in the nations capital to receive his hip disarticulation …

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Meet our Annapolis Team

October 31, 2022 Category: Company News

As an internationally renowned prosthetic company with facilities all across the US, MCOP has been specializing in advanced prosthetic technology and personalized care since 2002. We always take a client-first approach, and it’s our …

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Guide for Veteran Amputees Services through your local VA

June 17, 2022

Guidance For Veterans Navigating the VA MCOP – APR22

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