Veteran amputees that have received care from MCOP in the past at Walter Reed Military Hospital or the Veteran Administration can access your preferred clinician through one of MCOP's clinics. Click here to learn how to access your benefits and plan your visit. Learn More


Insights from our prosthetists about new technology, advances in prosthetics, & more

Upper Extremity Amputee Exercises

September 4, 2019 Category: Tips for Amputees, Arm Prosthetics, Amputee Support

Upper Extremity Amputation Exercises: A Helpful Guide for Active Amputees One of the most effective ways to recover from an upper-extremity amputation is to find a challenging, yet realistic fitness …

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Lower-Extremity Recovery: Exercises for Below-Knee Amputees

August 13, 2019 Category: Tips for Amputees, Amputee Support

Whether you’re preparing for or recovering from a below-knee amputation, there are a number of amputee fitness routines out there to help you rebuild your strength, regain your balance, and …

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Lower-Extremity Recovery: Above-Knee Amputation Exercises

August 12, 2019 Category: Tips for Amputees, Amputee Support

A Guide to Hip Disarticulation, Hemipelvectomy & Above-Knee Amputation Exercises If you’re preparing to receive, or have already received, any sort of amputation above the knee, including a hip disarticulation …

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Sports Prosthetic Devices You Didn’t Know Existed

June 6, 2019 Category: Technology, Tips for Amputees, Arm Prosthetics, Amputee Support

Advanced Sports Prosthetics: Helping Amputee Athletes Get Back in Action Whether you’re a recent amputee or were born with a missing limb, there’s no reason you can’t participate in all …

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Pediatric Amputee Support: Back to School

March 25, 2019 Category: Tips for Amputees, Amputee Support

Reacclimating to School Post-Amputation: Your Role as a Parent Following a pediatric amputation or surgery, it’s perfectly natural for children to feel a wide range of emotions, spanning the gauntlet …

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The Foundation of the Modern Prosthesis: The Liner – Part Two

January 4, 2017

What is the most important part of a prosthetic liner? Easy, the fit. It must fit well! The off the shelf options are staggering and work in most cases so …

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